100 gadi ir ļoti ilgs mūžs cilvēkam un uzņēmumam. Ļoti maz cilvēku piedzīvo savu 100. dzimšanas dienu, un daļai uzņēmumu neizdodas darboties pat 100 dienas. Šodien 2021. gadā mēs ar lepnumu atzīmējam AAF 100 gadu jubileju.
Tālajā 1921. gadā Pirmais pasaules karš vēl nebija pametis cilvēku prātus, un rūpnieciskā revolūcija bija pārveidojusi lielu daļu pasaules no ekonomikas, kas balstīta uz lauksaimniecību, uz tādu, kas balstīta uz ražošanu. Inženieris un uzņēmējs Bils Rīds krāsoja automašīnas savā darbnīcā Luisvillā, Kentucky. Tā kā viņš bija ļoti aizkaitināts par putekļiem, kas sabojāja viņa darbu, Rīds ievietoja tērauda vilnu starp diviem mājputnu režģa slāņiem un ievietoja tos koka rāmī, izgudrojot to, ko mūsdienās saucam par gaisa filtru.
Atklājot, ka viņa izgudrojums kļūst populārs ne tikai automobiļu rūpniecībā, bet arī citās nozarēs, Rīds nodibināja Reed Air Filter Company. 1924. gadā uzņēmums atvēra savus pirmos birojus un ražotni Centrālajā avēnijā. Piecus gadus vēlāk Rīds apvienoja savu uzņēmumu ar septiņiem citiem ražotājiem, izveidojot American Air Filter Company jeb AAF.
1921 | Bill Reed founds Reed Air Filter Company and manufactures the first commercial air filter in Louisville, KY USA, the Reed Air Filter. |
1924 | Akira Yamada founds Osaka Kinzoku Kogyosho Limited Partnership, the company that would later become Daikin, in Osaka; company begins production of aircraft radiator tubes and other products. |
1929 | Reed Air Filter Company merges with seven leading air filter manufacturers to form American Air Filter Company Inc. |
1932 | Introduced the Type D RotoClone, a revolutionary breakthrough in dust control. |
1935 | Daikin succeeds in fluorocarbon synthesis, begins mass production in 1942. – how to make this clear? |
1936 | American Air Filter (AAF) introduces the first high-efficiency box‐style filter. |
1941-1942 | AAF expands production in Louisville, KY by opening 2 more plants. |
1950 | AAF introduces fiberglass replacement filters to the residential market. |
1950 | Flanders Filters founded by A.R. Allan, Jr. to supply filters to the Atomic Energy Commission. |
1951 | Daikin begins production of packaged air conditioners. |
1950s | American Air Filter expands into Canada and Europe. |
1953 | AAF introduces Roll‐O‐Mat®, the first automatic self‐renewable media filter. |
1954 | First reverse-jet dry fabric dust collector introduced. |
1961 | AAF introduces DriPak®, the first bag‐style filter. |
1963 | AAF introduces VariCel®, the first modern high‐efficiency box‐style filter. |
1964 | AAF introduces the AstroCel® HEPA filter. |
1964 | Flanders becomes the first filtration company to also make their own HEPA media, leading to the first separator – less HEPA filter in 1968. |
1965 | AAF’s first gas turbine filtration installation. |
1966-1968 | AAF opens plants and begins manufacturing filters in Europe, Asian headquarters established later in 1970. |
1969 | NASA lunar module uses AAF filters in Apollo 11 mission to moon. |
1969 | Flanders develops the first fluid seal for HEPA filters and later developed the first silicone-based seal in 1986. |
1970 | AmerKleen line of diesel engine intake filters and housings developed. |
1978 | AAF introduces first V‐Bank HEPA filter. |
1978 | Flanders makes the first ULPA filter. |
1979 | Filtration systems provided for nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island. |
1982 | Daikin develops Japan’s first Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) system. |
1988 | AAF pioneers HEPA technology in gas turbines. |
1989 | AAF introduces VariCel® II, the first high‐efficiency mini‐pleat 4″ deep filter. |
1991 | Daikin establishes Daikin America, Inc. |
1993 | Flanders supplies HEPA filters to the International Space Station. |
1996 | Flanders Filters expands into the retail market. |
1997 | First modular expandable baghouse. – P&I |
1999 | AAF begins development of PTFE filters with Daikin Industries. |
2000 | AAF introduces PerfectPleat®, the first self‐supported pleated filter. |
2002 | AAF expands production in China. |
2005 | Expanded Gas-Phase product line. |
2006 | AAF becomes member of Daikin Group. |
2009 | AAF introduces MEGAcel® I, first HEPA filter with ePTFE filtration technology. |
2013 | AAF introduces MEGApleat® filter. |
2014 | AAF introduces VariCel® 2+ filter with Impress® Technology. |
2015 | AAF acquires and opens a network of service operations and warehouses across the US. |
2016 | AAF merges with Flanders to form AAF Flanders in U.S. |
2016-2020 | AAF introduces software and technology packages such as TCO Diagnostic® , Sensor360®, and VisionAir™ Clean – check on all technologies |
2016 | AAF opens Clean Air Innovation & Research Center in Jeffersonville, IN. |
2016 | AAF introduces REDClean Media®, the advanced filtration technology product range that optimizes dust collector’s performance |
2016 | AAF Acquires Dinair Group AB to form one of the strongest networks within Europe’s filtration industry |
2017 | AAF introduces N-hance® the world’s first E12 high velocity filter for gas turbines offshore |
2017 | AAF acquires RIS Facility Management GmbH, a leading provider of Indoor Air Quality services in Germany |
2019 | AAF expands its dust collection portfolio by launching new Plug&Play filtration units to meet the needs of different key industrial markets |
2020 | AAF develops study at CAC that demonstrates AAF filters are effective against coronavirus surrogate viruses. |